The Canadian Construction Association has shown that over 300,000 skilled trade vacancies will need to be filled in the next four years, but that doesn’t happen by pushing people into careers, that happens by attracting them.
What’s the difference between a sports highlight and a good recruiting ad? Not much.
Get candidates playing your recruiting video on repeat like they play a sports highlight. Understand the career motivations of young adults and how they are influenced to attract rather than push them into applying for apprenticeships. 

Appeal to their desire to attend the most respectable school, be accepted by their peers, and become ‘la creme de la creme’ of an industry through videos that depict industrial careers the same way the TV show Suits depicts the Harvard: Only for the best!
More Applicants
“Remember the millwright in that show last night? He was exactly the kind of person I want to be someday, so happy and everyone respected him”.
More Motivated Students
“I wonder if I’m smart enough to work at __________”.
Write here
“I bet my friends/family would be impressed if I worked at ________”
Construction, mining, manufacturing - How powerful is your business When it’s not employee vs. employer? When skilled labourers want to grow in the company? When the whole company is aligned on the mission?
Be the most sought after company to get a job at
Advertise to potential employees like you advertise to clients. Don’t wait for them to apply. Go out, find them, and find out what attracts them. Rather than tout the benefits of the trade career as if people need to be convinced it is worthwhile, our commercials rather demonstrate the exclusivity of trades.
Aspired self identity
“Remember the millwright in that show last night? He was exactly the kind of person I want to be someday, so happy and everyone respected him”.
Competitive streak
“I wonder if I’m smart enough to work at __________”.
Social Status/Peer Acceptance
“I bet my friends/family would be impressed if I worked at ________”
The Canadian Construction Association has shown that over 300,000 skilled trade vacancies will need to be filled in the next four years, but that doesn’t happen by pushing people into careers, that happens by attracting them.
You're about to finish an acquisition of an industrial business - but you need to find reliable labour in an industry you don't yet know.
Some industries have popular jobs platforms more popular for that industry. E.g. Craigslist, or Angellist.

We can help acquisition entrepreneurs skip the learning curve of recruiting in an industry they aren't familiar with.
More Applicants
“Remember the millwright in that show last night? He was exactly the kind of person I want to be someday, so happy and everyone respected him”.
More Motivated Students
“I wonder if I’m smart enough to work at __________”.
Write here
“I bet my friends/family would be impressed if I worked at ________”

Ready to get started?

Contact us to discuss strategies increase the quantity of applicants to your trades program.
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